Why context is important


Absolutely everything that is introduced in the digital world cannot be deleted, even if you own a web site and deleted some stuff or you posted something and deleted it right away there will be someone who took a screenshot of that before you deleted it.

En because of that many things that happens on the internet can be misinterpreted if you don’t know about the context where it was published. Many comments and opinions can be found in the internet but not all of them means exactly what it says because some are answers or feedback that are linked with past discussions and if you do not know about it you can find it weird, out of place or misunderstood it with something unsatisfactory.

The context in a post is really important because you introduce the reader to what you want to talk about and that way he would be able to send you constructive comments or feedback that can enrich the topic and get it to a different level of discussion.




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